
The inverse relationship between GnRH transcript level and GABA neurons activity has suggested that GABA at the hypothalamic level may exert a suppressive effect on subsequent steps of the GnRH biosynthesis. In the present study, we analyzed the effects of GABA type A receptor agonist (muscimol) or antagonist (bicuculline) on molecular mechanisms governing GnRH/LH secretion in follicular-phase sheep. ELISA technique was used to investigate the effects of muscimol and/or bicuculline on levels of post-translational products of genes encoding GnRH ligand and GnRH receptor (GnRHR) in the preoptic area (POA), anterior (AH) and ventromedial (VMH) hypothalamus, stalk/median eminence (SME), and GnRHR in the anterior pituitary (AP). Real-time PCR was chosen for determination of the effect of drugs on kisspeptin (Kiss 1) mRNA level in POA and VMH including arcuate nucleus (VMH/ARC), and on Kiss1 receptor (Kiss1r) mRNA abundance in POA-hypothalamic structures. These analyses were supplemented by RIA method for measurement of plasma LH concentration. The study demonstrated that muscimol and bicuculline significantly decreased or increased GnRH biosynthesis in all analyzed structures, respectively, and led to analogous changes in plasma LH concentration. Similar muscimol- and bicuculline-related alterations were observed in levels of GnRHR. However, the expression of Kiss 1 and Kiss1r mRNAs in selected POA-hypothalamic areas of either muscimol- and bicuculline-treated animals remained unaltered. Our data suggest that GABAergic neurotransmission is involved in the regulatory pathways of GnRH/GnRHR biosynthesis and then GnRH/LH release in follicular-phase sheep conceivably via indirect mechanisms that exclude involvement of Kiss 1 neurons.

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