
This paper discusses the Islamic tolerance of other faiths and belief systems. Islam also advocates tolerance of diversity. The conflict between religions can be avoided through tolerance; thus, harmony and unity between religions can be fostered in a pluralistic society. Therefore, the discussion of this article focuses on the Quranic view of practical tolerance to avoid conflicts which are a direct result of failure to appreciate the values of tolerance which underpin Islamic teachings. Using the documentation research method, this article found that problems or misunderstandings are common in all religions but their teachings, especially Islam, must be interpreted in ways that nurture unity and understanding between various cultures and religious communities. The implications of this study show that Allah has told his servant to be fair to Muslims and non-Muslims, no matter who they are or where they come from, and to let them practice their faith. Tolerance in the Quran is based on the belief that good is more vital than evil. Because of this, the Quran teaches its followers to always forgive, especially about other religions, to have a noble mind, a forgiving attitude, and humane values, and to accept the rights of others. Tolerating differences in Islam involves coming to terms with history, understanding, and differences between Islam and modernity, which must first come from within Islam.

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