
The conventions and ratifications made by the United Nations (UN) have a long history. They were well respected for their ability to unite the world’s countries on some issues. The paradigm transformation of UN ratifications to combine both business models and social justice has received both positive and negative responses. While adherents argue that such a transformation is fundamental to boost economic development, opponents assert that the ‘so-called paradigm transformation’ has benefited the West by victimising the East, which has essentially complicated the global ‘sustainability crisis’. This also hinders executing the ESD (education for sustainable development) concept, especially in developing countries. The concept of ‘sustainable development’ is now the main agenda item of UN conventions. COP21 (United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2015, otherwise known as the 21st Conference of the Parties), is an example of the UN’s seriousness in addressing the ‘global sustainability crisis’. GATT and GATS are the international policies that are, respectively, the ‘causer’ and ‘developer’ of the private university sector in emerging market economies. Critics claim that this expanding sector generates an urban sustainability crisis. This study examined the effect of private universities’ expansion on urban sustainability, using a qualitative method for assessing primary and secondary data. The indices for night light intensity, heat and greenery served as the essential parameters to calculate the sustainability crisis. Results indicate that while the greenery index has fallen significantly, night light and heat indices have unexpectedly increased, which correlate with the development and expansion of the private university sector. To respond to COP21, a ‘carbon neutrality’ policy framework for the sector is suggested in an effort to control the sustainability crisis.


  • This study investigates three specific issues; namely, (i) educational development and expansion of private universities; (ii) private universities and the sustainability crisis; and (iii) the city and university and their roles in sustainable development

  • This study considered two (2) major hypotheses about understanding the scope of a sustainability crisis and the role of innovation and policy frameworks in paving the way to carbon neutrality

  • The causal relationship that exists between the private university and the substantiality crisis will be examined

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Development criteria and their schemata grow out of longstanding historical social and economic practices [1]. Interpreting social events is governed and shaped by the prevailing rationale and the structure of power or authority in which it operates [2]. Further argued that the concept of development saw many paradigm transformations, which has proved that the earlier concept of development is a threat for today. The contemporary development concept may boil down into a threat for future developmental models [3].

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