
A chronic kidney disease of multifactorial origin (CKDmfo), also known as CKD of unknown origin, started to manifest during the past four decades in certain economically poor, peri-equatorial agricultural countries. CKDmfo is an environmentally induced, occupationally-mediated, chronic tubulointerstitial disease. Prolonged exposure to environmental nephrotoxic agents and extenuating conditions are prerequisites for its manifestation. More than 30 causative factors have been postulated, but none one has been properly scientifically tested, to be able toinclude or exclude. In recent years, fluoride has come to be considered a key contender as a causative agent of CKDmfo. Therefore, this review examines the pros and cons of that theory and the potential plausibility that fluoride causes CKDmfo. It also examines the potential interactions and additive or synergistic effects of certain geogenic factors, especially, the plausibility of CaPO4-3 apatite and fluorapatite crystals and nanotube formation in concentrated tubular filtrateand within tubular cells, in renal tubules. The information presented is based on published work and data collected over the past two decades in Sri Lanka. However, the evidence and concepts are applicable to all CKDmfo-affected countries. Thus, thepresented contentmight facilitate scientists to narrowed down causative factors tojust a few and government departments to implement effective programs for preventing this disease. The findings suggest that in addition to the geogenic components, disease manifestation requires (A) prolonged exposure to environmental nephrotoxins and factors, (B) interactions among elements (Ca2+, PO4-3 , F-, and Mg2+), and (C) vulnerability of the person, such as chronic dehydration, andantioxidant andmicronutrient deficiencies. In vivo precipitation of nanominerals in renal tubular tissues that arising over several years causes tubulointerstitial disease-CKDmfo. Inherent vulnerabilities and conditions,together with nanomineral precipitation, trigger renal tubular cell oxidative stresses, inflammation, and fibrosis, and eventuallycausing tubulointerstitial chronic renal failure-CKDmfo.

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