
The female aggression hypothesis states that resident females may be able to prevent polygyny by behaving aggressively towards intruding females. A critical test of the hypothesis is to provide prospecting females with a choice between displaying mated males some of which have initial mates with artificially reduced levels of aggressiveness. Here we present a mate choice experiment on pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca. The species is a cavity nester, and resident females were prevented from behaving aggressively by enclosing them within their own nestboxes: narrowing the entrance hole so that they could not escape but could still let their head out and have some contact with their mate. This treament had only a minor influence on male behaviour. We studied whether the experimental males were better able to attract a new female than a control group of mated males. Four predictions from the female aggression hypothesis were supported. (1) Mating success of control males was positively related to the distance between their primary and secondary territory. (2) For experimental males, mating success was unrelated to interterritorial distance. (3) Experimental males had higher mating success than control males when the interterritorial distance was short but (4) not when it was long. Experimental males had much lower mating success than unmated males, as would be expected if prospecting females are able to discover male mating status from cues other than visits by primary females to their mates' secondary nest sites.

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