
BACKGROUNDPrior in vitro and in vivo studies have reported that external ultrasound accelerates thrombolysis at intensities too low to have a direct effect on clot dissolution in the absence of a thrombolytic agent. The present study was undertaken to examine the ultrasound effect on thrombolysis and reocclusion in a rabbit thrombosis model.METHODS AND RESULTSBlood clots were produced in a femoral artery segment with endothelial damage and distal stenosis. Recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (rTPA) was infused at 30 micrograms.kg-1.min-1 for 60 minutes. Femoral artery flow was measured every 5 minutes for 2 hours. Rabbits were randomized to four groups with continuous wave ultrasound on or off with or without intravenous injection of 17 mg/kg aspirin (+US/-US/+Asp/-Asp). Ultrasound frequency and intensity were 1 MHz and 6.3 W/cm2. In seven of eight and five of five rabbits given rTPA and -US/-Asp or -US/+Asp, respectively, reflow was observed, persisting to the end of the observation period. In ...

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