
Lay representations of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) are important both for understanding public stigma and anticipating patient responses to PNES diagnosis. The current study presents the first evidence of the general public’s representations of PNES and the malleability of these understandings to different ways of explaining PNES. An online experimental study exposed participants (n = 193, aged 18–25 years) to a vignette describing a case of PNES in biomedical terms, PNES in biopsychosocial terms, or epilepsy. Subsequent questionnaires assessed participants’ illness representations, causal attributions, and stigmatising attitudes regarding the case about which they read. Results suggest that compared with biomedical framings, biopsychosocial explanations increased perceptions of PNES as threatening. While epilepsy was attributed to significantly more biological and less social causes than either of the PNES vignettes, causal attributions did not differ between biomedically- vs. biopsychosocially-framed PNES. Neither were there any differences between the three conditions in stigmatising attitudes towards people who experience seizures. These findings are useful for clinicians delivering a PNES diagnosis and patients disclosing a PNES diagnosis, in helping anticipate responses to these communications. Further research is required to confirm the clinical and societal significance of the study’s first insights into the dynamics of lay responses to PNES.

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