
Intimal hyperplasia is a normal adaptive feature of arteries in response to injuries, which include invasive vascular interventions. Its development limits the long-term success of bypass grafts. Various pharmacological agents have been successfully employed in experimental models to reduce the degree of intimal hyperplasia. In our study, we investigated the efficacy of dexamethasone in reducing intimal hyperplasia in rat abdominal aortas after partial transection and primary repair. In this study, 20 Wistar Albino rats were randomly selected and divided into four groups to compare the effects of low- and high-dose dexamethasone on intima and media thickness compared to the control. Group A (n=5) was the control group, where only skin incision and laparotomy were performed. For Group B (n=5), a median laparotomy was performed, the abdominal aorta was partially transected, and repaired with an 8.0 prolene suture. Doses of 0.1 mg/kg and 0.2 mg/kg dexamethasone were administered in Group C (n=5) and Group D (n=5), respectively. After two weeks, all rats were euthanized, and the repaired abdominal aortas were excised and examined histopathologically. Intima and media thicknesses were measured using the 'Olympus AnalySIS 5' program (Olympus Corporation, Japan) after digital photos were taken. Based on the measurements, we demonstrated that after transection and repair of the abdominal aorta, the intima/media ratio was not significantly different between the low-dose dexamethasone and non-dexamethasone groups. The intima/media ratio was significantly lower in the high-dose dexamethasone group than in the non-dexamethasone and low-dose dexamethasone groups. After vascular interventions, dexamethasone treatment may reduce intimal hyperplasia and increase patency by providing vascular remodeling.

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