
The post Covid-19 era steer towards stakeholder thinking, which demands to look for sustainable solutions in terms of other epidemics and food security is one of the most notable for the developing world. In South Asia, China Pakistan Economic Corridor could be an avenue for multi-layered socio-economic assistance where Pakistan can seek solution for one epidemic (food security) while engaged with the effects of pandemic through studying all the stakeholders. This could be a roadmap for the west-east or developed-underdeveloped countries reliance on one another for food security through economic corridor alike settings. Academically, it has been projected by the plethora of research that holistically and inclusively, stakeholder analysis is lacking in the available reservoir of research. Methodologically, the stakeholder analysis was performed in three layers-identification, investigation through social networks, and communication by prioritization matrix. The findings suggested that apart from stakeholders' differences in regard to interest, influence and knowledge, all of them agreed with the argument that China Pakistan Economic Corridor has enviably and irrefutably positive effects on food security. The policy implications project the need for integrated reports of various ministries to be unidirectional for having synergical effect and taking all the stakeholders into consideration as leaving any group behind will repeat the past results.

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