
Statistical language learning (SL) tasks measure different aspects of foreign language learning. Studies have used SL tasks to investigate whether bilingual experience confers advantages in acquiring additional languages through implicit processes. However, the results have been inconsistent, which may be related to bilingualism-related features (e.g., degree of dissimilarity between the specific language pair) and other variables such as specific processes that are targeted by the SL task. In the present study, we compared the performance of one Spanish monolingual and two bilingual (Spanish-Basque and Spanish-English) groups across three well-established SL tasks. Each task targeted a different aspect of foreign language learning; specifically, word segmentation, morphological rule generalization, and word-referent learning. In Experiment 1, we manipulated sub-lexical phonotactic patterns to vary the difficulty of three SL tasks, with the results showing no differences between the groups in word segmentation. In Experiment 2, we included non-adjacent dependencies to target affixal morphology rule learning, but again no group-related differences were found. In Experiment 3, we addressed word learning using an audio-visual SL task combining exclusive and multiple word-referent mappings, and found that bilinguals outperformed monolinguals, suggesting that bilingualism may exert influences on SL at the lexical level. This advantage might have been mediated by the high working memory demands required to perform the task. Summarizing, this study shows no evidence for a general bilingual advantage in SL, although bilinguals may outperform monolinguals under specific experimental conditions such as SL tasks that place high demands on working memory processes. In addition, the similar performance of Spanish-Basque and Spanish-English bilinguals across all three SL tasks suggests that the degree of dissimilarity between pairs of spoken languages does not modulate SL skills.

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