
Although the positive relationship between arts engagement and mental health is well documented, arts participation may be an emergent factor in the ecology of childhood obesity. Prior research hypothesized several potential health benefits of arts participation including healthy diet and lifestyles, but the available evidence is mainly limited to cross-sectional covariate-adjustment models for the adult population. We employed a newly released panel of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study kindergarten cohort (ECLS-K: 2011), which is a nationally representative sample of American children who entered kindergarten in 2010–2011 (n = 15,820). We applied both dynamic panel models with Maximum Likelihood estimation as well as difference-in-differences models to address unobserved heterogeneity. Our results showed that childhood arts activity is significantly associated with reduced weight status in elementary schooling. In particular, arts participation in elementary schooling reduced the risk of being overweight on a year-to-year basis; the effect size was between 12% and 23% of a SD of BMI for all children. Arts participation at kindergarten also had a significant relationship with cumulative changes in BMI over the course of elementary schooling, especially for female and White female children (about 22% and 32% of a SD of BMI). There are considerable arts participation gaps between families and regions, and these early artistic experiences appear to affect the risk of being overweight. This suggests the possibility of a larger social reproduction process via an ecological pathway that might be easily overlooked—the accumulation of arts experience and concurrent health inequalities in childhood.

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