
This article explores the topic of documentary reconstruction of patrilineal genealogy of the Khakass public figure Vladislav Mikhailovich Torosov (1937–2018) based on such genealogical sources as church metric books and census lists of Minusinsk district of Yenisei province for the XIX – early XX centuries. The object of this research is the genealogy of Torosov family, while the subject is the archival and documentary reconstruction of their genealogy until the XVIII century. The source base consists of the collections of the State Archive of Krasnoyarsk Region, National Archive of the Republic of Khakassia, archive of the city of Minusinsk, as well as personal papers of V. M. Torosov and his descendants. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that this work is first within Khakass genealogy to reconstruct the patrilineal genealogy of the prominent political figure V. M. Torosov, whose father M. G. Torosov was repressed in 1937 and could not pass on the information on his ancestors to descendants. The interrupted bridge between generations severely affected the family in the desire to restore their history. As a result of genealogical reconstruction of the Torosov family belonging to the Khakass seok "piltyr" that was part of the Beltyrsky Ulus of the Sagay Steppe, the author acquires the scientifically verified data on the direct male ancestors of Torosov family until the mid XVIII century. Recommendation id made on the genetic-genealogical analysis of Torosov family by Y chromosome.

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