
Doctoral Projects in Progress in Theatre Arts, 1998 Philip G. Hill (bio) This is the forty-sixth annual report of dissertations in progress in the theatre arts in the United States. The success of this report continues to depend upon prompt and accurate replies from the graduate departments of theatre, speech, English, and others, and their cooperation in this regard is gratefully acknowledged. Any graduate department that is not annually receiving requests for information for this report is invited to contact its compiler in order to be added to the mailing list. Logistical limitations necessitate confining this survey to colleges and universities in the United States. For similar information from Canada, one may contact the editor of the ACTR/ARTC Newsletter, Kathy Chung, Graduate Centre for the Study of Drama, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Each year that newsletter lists completed articles, books, and dissertations in the area of Canadian drama and theatre history. The format employed here is adapted from that used by Frederick M. Litto in his American Dissertations of the Drama and the Theatre (1969). The graduate departments were asked to classify each dissertation by its subject matter according to the geographical divisions proposed by Litto; in the cases of England and the United States, they were further asked to assign each to an arbitrary time period as indicated below. Within each of these subdivisions, entries are alphabetically arranged according to the surname of the researcher. There is no room here for the lavish cross referencing and multiple listing Litto employs; consequently, those dissertation topics that would not yield to the geographical classifications used in Part I are listed by topic in Part II. Here again, the topic headings are those proposed by Litto; a fuller description of each may be found on page 3 of his work. Each entry includes the following information: the researcher’s name; the title of the project; the institution; the academic department within that institution; the faculty supervisor; and the expected year of completion. Occasionally the year has not been supplied. Volume 1, Number 1 (1949) of the Educational Theatre Journal contained the first bibliography of research projects in progress, compiled by James M. Klain. Responsibility for the series was taken over in 1955 by Albert E. Johnson, and the present compiler began in 1976. Irregularities in the early years resulted in this being the forty-sixth such report. Beginning next year, Doug Cummins has accepted responsibility for continuing the series. Professor Cummins may be contacted at Furman University, Greenville, SC 29613. [End Page 227] Part I Africa Nakiwala, Frances A. Shakespeare’s Common People in Richard II, Julius Caesar and Coriolanus: From a Ugandan Perspective. Duquesne. English. S. M. Kurland. 1998. Stanley, Kristina. Identity and Recognition in a New South Africa: The Post-Apartheid Theatre of Athol Fugard. Illinois (Urbana). Theatre. Robert B. Graves. 1998. Wetmore, Kevin. Athenian Sun in an African Sky: African Adaptations of Greek Tragedy. Pittsburgh. Theatre Arts. Kiki Gounaridou. 1998. Australia Foy, Kathryn Elizabeth. Creating Australias: The Contribution of the Aboriginal, Non-English, European, and Asian Models to Australian Theatre, 1975 to the Present. Hawaii (Manoa). Theatre and Dance. Dennis Carroll. 1998. Austria Wang, Pao Hsiang. The Crisis of Representation in Fin-de-siècle Viennese Drama and Opera. California (Santa Barbara). Dramatic Art. Simon Williams. 1998. Denmark Baumrin, Seth. Eugenio Barba and the Stanislavski Legacy: An Inquiry into Theatrical Ethos. CUNY. Theatre. Harry Carlson. 1998. England Renaissance Arnold, John A. “We Will Not Trust Our Eyes without Our Ears”: Collaborative Circulation in Shakespeare’s Stagecraft. Catholic. English. J. Leeds Barroll. 1998. Belling, Catherine. Unpacking the Heart: Anatomy, Physiology, and Literal Interiority on the Early Modern English Stage. SUNY (Stony Brook). English. Richard Levin. 1998. Haas, Robert. Shakespeare’s Filmed Comedies. North Carolina (Greensboro). English. Russ McDonald. 1998. Hayes, Carol L. Looking for Real Women: Feminism and City Comedy, 1599–1630. California (Irvine). English and Comparative Literature. Jane Newman. 1999. Lund, Thomas. Spectacles of Strangeness: Jacobean Representations of Witchcraft on Stage. Wisconsin (Madison). Theatre and Drama. Sally Banes. 1999. Mitchell, Charles. The Body and the Gallows: Capital Punishment in Shakespeare. Colorado (Boulder). Theatre and Dance. Oliver Gerland. 1998. Perrello, Tony. The Desecration of the Sacred...

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