
Pairwise point cloud registration is a fundamental task in 3D computer vision and various approaches have been proposed to handle this problem in recent years. Despite the fast evolution of registration algorithms, little attention has been drawn to align point cloud pairs with a low-overlap ratio (≤30%). In this paper, we propose a new neural network architecture named the DOANet, an end-to-end trainable fully convolutional neural network, to deal with the problem of registration with low overlap. In particular, we leverage sparse convolutions to extract robust and discriminative dense features, and further utilize attention mechanisms to explicitly predict the overlap region for point cloud fragments. The receptive field of our local point patches is constrained within the overlap region generated on the fly, which prevents the local point features from being contaminated by geometric information outside the overlap region. Experiments indicate the effectiveness and advantages of our method on both 3DLoMatch (all pairs under 30% overlap-ratio) and 3DMatch and illustrate obvious improvement over the existing results.

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