
Competition from deregulation is driving utilities and consumersto seek out alternate means to reduce the cost of electricity. The utilityindustry is expected to shift generation away from the traditional centralstation philosophy to dispersed generation with the formerly wastedheat to be recovered and used for industrial steam or to heat commercialbuildings. [1] Some experts suggest that the dispersed generation willtake the form of cogeneration by locating thermal electric generatorswith heat recovery steam generators alongside the thermal host.Coincidentally, there are a large number of existing boilers that canserve as waste heat receivers if properly modified. This could result insubstantial capital savings, further reducing the cost of the dispersedelectrical generation. Repowering cold windbox industrial boilerscomplements and reinforces the dispersed generation philosophy.This article will compare the economic and technical advantages ofrepowering existing small industrial boilers with conventional engine/gas turbine driven generator sets. Operating advantages in steam gen-eration reliability and flexibility will be presented

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