
Now a day’s firms are striving to achieve competitive advantage by using different strategic techniques. As a result of high competitive pressure; firms are making struggle to get competitive edge by utilizing workers’ talent, abilities and proficiency to formulate the accurate exploitation of employees’ works organization offer different benefits, rewards schemes. Satisfied employees becoming more devoted dedicate and attached with their organization as compared to other employees. The main purpose of current study is to determined relationship between Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation by concentrating the mediating effect of Reward System. Data have been collected by applying the simple random sampling. Questionnaire technique takes on to accumulate data collected from staff in context of their satisfaction and performance. By applying statistical tools CFA and SEM outcome shows that monetary and non-monetary rewards really positively associate with employees’ job satisfaction. Positive correlation lies between intrinsic, extrinsic motivation and employee’s performance and job satisfaction of nursing staff in hospitals. Moreover, results divulged that rewards system significantly and partially mediates the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, job performance, and job satisfaction. The research provide deeply appreciative that how institution can encourage employees by delivering valuable rewards and Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation programs.


  • As a result of massive competitive atmosphere firms strive to achieve competitive edge and improve their items, over all operational activities and management system in business

  • Second segment is related to the question relevant to under study variables namely intrinsic rewards, extrinsic Rewards (Independent Variable) is assess by scale which is used in Rebecca Hewett title was “Examining the relationship between workplace rewards and the quality of motivational experience; a Self-Determination Theory perspective “both variables contain 14 items. employee satisfaction (Dependant Variable) is measured by scale Hackman and Oldham contain 5 items, and second dependant employee performance contain 3 items and considered scale by Bowra et al, and rewards system measured is mediating variable measured by Ivo Van den Berg*, Ingmar H

  • In order to check the reliability there are three major steps as being showed by Fornell & Larcker (1981), these involve the factor loading constructs value of Confirmatory factor Analyses(CFA) Model being greater than 0.7, the AVE values should be greater than 0.5 and the Composite Reliability (CR) value should be greater than 0.5. the results shown in Table 3 illustrates that the majority values of factor loading higher than 0.7 and significant at 0.001.CR are Intrinsic Rewards, Extrinsic rewards, Rewards System, Job satisfaction and Job performance with 0.873,0.896,0.857,0.817 and 0.873 in that order and AVE are 0.571,0.554,0.664,0.598 and 0.713 respectively

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As a result of massive competitive atmosphere firms strive to achieve competitive edge and improve their items, over all operational activities and management system in business. Top executives of firms must search for to maintain well-organized relationship between their workforce and organization by checking their employee’s state of mind and desires of preferences (intrinsic or extrinsic) It is not possible for any origination to achieve its pre-plan and desired goal without making fair and balance rewarding system. Firms facing a lots of problems a day’s one is most important is that to make their employees more satisfied through judging their way of thinking, preference or need that vary employee to employee that generate high performance They serve more of their time for organization advancement so that’s why employees intrinsically and extrinsically play a significant role in progression of both party’s employees and organization. Definitely employee’s productivity and dedication towards their job will be enhanced

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