
Mathematical models predict that to maintain androdioecious populations, males must have at least twice the fitness of male function in hermaphrodites. To understand how androdioecy is maintained in Laguncularia racemosa (white mangrove), outcrossing, inbreeding depression, and relative male fitness were estimated in two androdioecious populations and one hermaphroditic population. Outcrossing was estimated based on length of pollinator foraging bout and pollen carryover assumptions. Inbreeding depression was measured at three life stages: fruit set, seedling emergence, and seedling survivorship. The relative fitnesses of males and the male component of hermaphrodites were compared at these three stages and at the pollen production stage. Male frequency predictions generated by Lloyd's model were compared with observed frequencies in two androdioecious subpopulations. Outcrossing estimates were moderate for all populations (0.29-0.66). Inbreeding depression varied among populations (-0.03-0.86), but the strength of inbreeding depression did not increase with male frequency. Males produced significantly more flowers/inflorescence than hermaphrodites, but pollen production/flower did not differ. Male and hermaphroditic progeny did not differ significantly at other life stages. Populations of white mangrove with male plants were functionally androdioecious. Lloyd's model accurately predicted male frequency in one androdioecious subpopulation, but underestimated male frequency in the second subpopulation.

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