
According to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, it is critical that refugee children’s rights are upheld in all national policies covering vulnerable children. This article examines how health policies in the Nordic region recognize the health needs of newly arrived refugee children, and whether these policies respect their individual rights. The article maps out, compares and contrasts health reception policies in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, paying particular attention to how each addresses the rights and needs of refugee children. The policy documents were obtained through desk-research conducted from January 2017–January 2018. We analysed 34 national laws and guidelines that support the health reception of refugee children. We find that only a few health reception policies across the Nordic region have been written specifically for refugee children. The policies identified predominantly recognize refugee children’s right of access to somatic healthcare services, and to emergency services. Their rights to mental health services or broader health-enabling contexts were addressed to a lesser extent. We conclude that there is a need for further recognition of refugee children as rights-holders, and for the intentions of health reception policies to be expanded to include mental health services and health-promoting initiatives. Further research is needed on whether and how the current policies play out in actual health reception practices.

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