
We investigated the diagnostic potential of the Stokes V profile of the Hα line to probe the chromospheric line-of-sight (LOS) magnetic field (B LOS) by comparing the B LOS inferred from the weak field approximation (WFA) with that inferred from the multiline inversions of the Caii 8542 Å, Si i 8536 Å, and Fe i 8538 Å lines using the STiC inversion code. Simultaneous spectropolarimetric observations of a pore in the Ca ii 8542 Å and Hα spectral lines obtained from the SPINOR at the Dunn Solar Telescope on 2008 December 4 are used in this study. The WFA was applied on the Stokes I and V profiles of Hα line over three wavelength ranges, viz., around line core (Δλ = ±0.35 Å), line wings (Δλ = [−1.5, −0.6], and [+0.6, +1.5] Å), and full spectral range of the line (Δλ = ± 1.5 Å) to derive the B LOS. We found the maximum B LOS strengths of ∼+800 and ∼+600 G at = −1 and −4.5, respectively, in the pore. The morphological map of the B LOS inferred from the Hα line core is similar to the B LOS map at = −4.5 inferred from multiline inversions. The B LOS map inferred from the Hα line wings and full spectral range have a similar morphological structure to the B LOS map inferred at = −1. The B LOS estimated from Hα using WFA is weaker by a factor of ≈0.53 than that of inferred from the multiline inversions.

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