
Much of a typical general practitioner's time is spent dealing with people who present with “psychological” problems. Of those people who are detected as suffering from a mental health problem, most are then dealt with by the GP without recourse to specialist services. There is a wide variation in referral rate, and a recent review (Wilkinson, 1989) suggests that GPs are most likely to refer a patient to a psychiatrist when he/she has failed to respond to previous GP treatment, an opinion about diagnosis is sought, or there is some specific request either by the patient or another person involved. One of the reasons why GPs are disinclined to refer is their perception of stigma associated with attending a psychiatric clinic, although they do not appear to be unduly perturbed by aspects of the referral process itself, such as a waiting list. Overall, it appears that around 95% of patients in general practice presenting with mental distress arenotreferred to a psychiatrist. As well as being concerned about the stigma associated with traditional psychiatric services, we hypothesise that another concern of GPs may be a lack of liaison and consultation between primary and secondary care services.


  • DONABEDIANA,. (1980) The Definition of Quality and Approaches to its Assessment

  • Those interviewed were asked their views on hav ing such a community mental health team in the area: all but one GP indicated that they supported the idea

  • The replacement model, with the Community Mental Health Centre (CMHC) becoming the supplier of primary mental health care, was approved by 12respondents and nine thought it the best, but nine were concerned that the service would be impossibly overloaded

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The quality issue

P. et al (1987) Principles and practice of measuring needs in the longterm mentally ill. (1980) The Definition of Quality and Approaches to its Assessment. ( 1990)Towards a system of outcome indicators for mental health care. British Journal of Psychiatry, 157, 500 514. London: Brunei Institute of Organisation and Social Studies. (1987) Thriving on Chaos-a handbook for a management revolution. (1989) Clinical auditoccurrance screening for quality assurance.

Do GPs want community mental health facilities?
The study
Do GPs want community mental healthfacilities?
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Interviewing the Sexually Abused Child
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