
Being a significant factor indicative of inflammation, hýgh sensitive C reactive protein (hs-CRP) is also predictive for atherosclerosis. It is acknowledged that the efficacy of antioxidant defense mechanism is reduced by the changes in trace element levels. These changes also increase the negative effects of free oxygen radicals on cell integrity. It is known that hs-CRP is a marker in predicting metabolic syndrome (MS) and its parameters. In this study we aim to find some other markers and compare the relation of Cu and Zn levels with MS and MS parameters.410 patients (90 men and 320 women) were included in this study. The measurement of waist and hip circumferences are performed. Fasting plasma glucose, postprandial plasma glucose, insulin, copper, zinc, lipid profile, hsCRP levels were examined. All the analyses were done according to diagnosis criteria of NCEP-ATP III. BMI, HDL and Cu levels were significantly higher in women when compared to men (P < 0.001). As hsCRP does, blood copper levels were found to predict MS and MS parameters. However, it is different from each other in that copper levels predicted different MS parameters at different sensitivity and specificity. We also observed that there was a more significant correlation between TG level, blood pressure and Cu, compared to hsCRP. When all these results are taken into consideration, Cu can be thought as an alternatýve marker in predicting MS and MS parameters. Being influenced less than CRP by the inflammatory events, Cu is a beter predictor for MS and atherosclerosis.

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