
In this paper, we use index addition to gain insights into the trading behavior of informed traders. When a stock is added to the SP once again, the largest increase occurs at the end of the day. The increase in return volatility throughout the day suggests that increased information production follows index addition. However, the larger increase in end-of-day volatility also suggests that informed traders change the timing of their trades to coincide with liquidity trades. Second, consistent with the increased presence of index funds, the distribution of trade sizes shifts rightwards after addition and this shift is most marked at the end of the day. The price impact of individual large trades declines, though the magnitude of the decline is similar through the trading day. The increased frequency of large liquidity trades at the end of the day creates incentives for informed traders to make large trades, since they are now able to 'hide' these trades more easily. Consequently, the proportion of total end-of-day price change occurring on large trades increases significantly after addition. Additional tests reject temporary price pressure from large trades as an alternative explanation for our results. Our results support the conclusion that informed traders alter their trading strategies to optimally match both the timing, and the size, of liquidity trades in the market.

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