
Healthcare remote monitoring applications dominate the market of new technologies due to their valuable aid to patients, families, and medical staff. They provide ubiquitous remote health services for patients with chronic diseases or specific conditions and can provide ubiquitous communication between patients and caregiver(s). This paper presents an ontology reasoning-based healthcare monitoring system called Do-Care. The proposed system supports the supervision and follow-up of outdoor and indoor patients suffering from chronic diseases. Collected data, from wearable11Worn or implanted in the patient’s body., nearable22Ambient and physiological sensors distributed in patient’s environment. or usable33Mobile, tablets and laptops. devices forms the instances for entities from the proposed Do-Care ontology used by the reasoner when applying a set of SWRL44Semantic Web Rule Language. rules to determinate the health situation of a patient as Normal, Abnormal or Wrong. The main contribution in this paper is a modular and dynamic ontology composed of FOAF55Friend of a Friend Ontology., SSN66Semantic Sensors Network./SOSA77Sensor, Observation, Sample and Actuator Ontology. and ICNP88International Classification Nursing Practices Ontology. ontologies with a scalable set of inference rules. The proposed rule based methodology is dynamic and adjustable to meet possible changes in the medication market, medical discoveries, and personal users’ profiles. The presented experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed DO-Care system.

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