
Although much is known about how intrusive thoughts become obsessions, the factors that determine which particular thoughts do so is not. The degree to which intrusions are personally significant may be such a determinant. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is heterogeneous; thus, it is possible that contradictions of personal values may play a varying role in the development of obsessions depending on which OCD symptoms manifest and may change differentially following treatment. Archival data were examined. Patients with a diagnosis of OCD (N = 62) reported their most upsetting obsession and the degree to which it violated values both pre- and postparticipation in group cognitive-behavioral therapy for OCD. At pretreatment, contradiction ratings differed across symptom domains, such that participants with primary symptoms of obsessions/checking exhibited contradiction ratings that were significantly greater than did participants with other primary symptoms. Contradiction ratings did not change posttreatment. Implications for the conceptualization of OCD are discussed.

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