
Downy mildew is one of the most common fungal diseases of the vine, caused by Plasmopara viticola. An effective way to control the spread of the pathogen is to cultivate resistant varieties. Cultivars of Vitis vinifera, being the basis of high-quality viticulture, practically do not possess genetic resistance to P. viticola, so screening for resistance donors is an important stage in breeding. One of the major resistance loci to downy mildew, the Rpv3 gene, was identified in the genotype of a complex interspecific hybrid of grapes Bianca. Later, it was found that this gene had seven haplotypes of resistance inherited from North American grape species, and that it was possible to identify the allelic status of the gene using DNA-markers UDV305, UDV737. However, only two haplotypes can be combined in one diploid form. To determine the Rpv3 gene in the grape gene pool we, using these markers, studied 35 different genotypes of grapevines, most of which are interspecies cultivars. Three varieties with known allelic status of the Rpv3 gene (Dunavski lazur, Noah, Seyve Villard 12-375) were included in the study as reference genotypes. The genotypes were studied through polymerase chain reaction with separation of amplification products by capillary electrophoresis in automatic genetic analyzer ABI Prism 3130. In the studied grape cultivars DNA marker analysis indentified the Rpv3 gene in sixteen genotypes of interspecific origin, including haplotype Rpv3299-279 found in twelve varieties, Rpv3321-312 – in three, and haplotype Rpv3null-271 – in one variety. Seyve Villard 12-375 turned out to be the donor of resistance gene in the most of the genotypes carrying Rpv3 in this study. The obtained data can be useful in selection of mildew resistant grape varieties and screening for hybridization pairs.


  • How to cite this article: Ilnitskaya E.T., Makarkina M.V., Tokmakov S.V., Naumova L.G

  • According to the published data, haplotype Rpv3299-279 we identified in cultivars Dekabrskiy, Dunavska gymza, Original, Talisman, Kutuzovskiy, Kodryanka, Rusbol, Storgoziya, R65, Kishmish 342, Srebrostruy, VIII2-2-48, is inherited from the geneplasm of V. rupestris

  • The presented study analyzed 35 vine genotypes of different origin to identify the presence of downy mildew-resistant gene Rpv3 using DNA markers UDV305 and UDV737

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How to cite this article: Ilnitskaya E.T., Makarkina M.V., Tokmakov S.V., Naumova L.G. Один из крупных локусов устойчивости к милдью, ген Rpv, впервые был определен в генотипе сложного межвидового гибрида винограда Бианка. С целью определения гена Rpv в генофонде винограда с использованием указанных маркеров нами проведено изучение 35 генотипов различного происхождения, большинство из которых – межвидовые сорта. Полученные данные могут быть полезны в селекции устойчивых сортов винограда при подборе пар для гибридизации. Cultivation of resistant varieties remains one of the most effective methods of disease control that allows one to reduce the amount of pesticide sprayings, and in this way improves the ampelocenosis, food safety and harvest of grapes The success of such cultivation is rooted into the genetic diversity of a culture and in many ways is determined by the level of knowledge about an accumulated genetic pool. Being the foundation of high-quality vine growing cultivars Vitis vinifera have almost no genetic resistance to Plasmopara viticola, while downy mildew – resistant genotypes belong to vine species from North America and Asia (V. aestivalis, V. berlandieri, V. cinerea, V. riparia, V. rupestris, etc.) as well as to Muscadinia rotundifolia (Alleweldt et al, 1988; Wan et al, 2007)

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