
DNA repair in the Archaea is relevant to the consideration of genome maintenance and replication fidelity in the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) from two perspectives. First, these prokaryotes embody a mix of bacterial and eukaryal molecular features. Second, DNA repair proteins would have been essential in LUCA to maintain genome integrity, regardless of the environmental temperature. Yet we know very little of the basic molecular mechanisms of DNA damage and repair in the Archaea in general. Many studies on DNA repair in archaea have been conducted with hyperthermophiles because of the additional stress imposed on their macromolecules by high temperatures. In addition, of the six complete archaeal genome sequences published so far, five are thermophilic archaea. We have recently shown that the hyperthermophile Pyrococcus furiosus has an extraordinarily high capacity for repair of radiation-induced double-strand breaks and we have identified and sequenced several genes involved in DNA repair in P. furiosus. At the sequence level, only a few genes share homology with known bacterial repair genes. For instance, our phylogenetic analysis indicates that archaeal recombinases occur in two paralogous gene families, one of which is very deeply branched, and both recombinases are more closely related to the eukaryotic RAD51 and Dmc1 gene families than to the Escherichia coli recA gene. We have also identified a gene encoding a repair endo/exonuclease in the genomes of several Archaea. The archaeal sequences are highly homologous to those of the eukaryotic Rad2 family and they cluster with genes of the FEN-1 subfamily, which are known to be involved in DNA replication and repair in eukaryotes. We argue that there is a commonality of mechanisms and protein sequences, shared between prokaryotes and eukaryotes for several modes of DNA repair, reflecting diversification from a minimal set of genes thought to represent the genome of the LUCA.

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