
DNA polymerase θ (pol θ) is a nuclear A-family DNA polymerase encoded by the POLQ gene in vertebrate cells. The biochemical properties of pol θ and of Polq-defective mice have suggested that pol θ participates in DNA damage tolerance. For example, pol θ was previously found to be proficient not only in incorporation of a nucleotide opposite a thymine glycol or an abasic site, but also extends a polynucleotide chain efficiently from the base opposite the lesion. We carried out experiments to determine whether this ability to extend from non-standard termini is a more general property of the enzyme. Pol θ extended relatively efficiently from matched termini as well as termini with A:G, A:T and A:C mismatches, with less descrimination than a well-studied A-family DNA polymerase, exonuclease-free pol I from E. coli. Although pol θ was unable to, by itself, bypass a cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer or a (6-4) photoproduct, it could perform some extension from primers with bases placed across from these lesions. When pol θ was combined with DNA polymerase ι, an enzyme that can insert a base opposite a UV-induced (6-4) photoproduct, complete bypass of a (6-4) photoproduct was possible. These data show that in addition to its ability to insert nucleotides opposite some DNA lesions, pol θ is proficient at extension of unpaired termini. These results show the potential of pol θ to act as an extender after incorporation of nucleotides by other DNA polymerases, and aid in understanding the role of pol θ in somatic mutagenesis and genome instability.

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