
We previously isolated a plasmid-borne, recombination-deficient mutant derivative of the bacteriophage T4 DNA helicase gene 41. We have now transferred this 41rrh1 mutation into the phage genome in order to characterize its mutational effects further. The mutation impairs a recombination pathway that is distinct from the pathway involving uvsX, which is essential for strand transfer, and it also eliminates most homologous recombination between a plasmid and the T4 genome. Although 41rrh1 does not affect T4 DNA replication from some origins, it does inactivate plasmid replication that is dependent on ori(uvs Y) and ori(34), as well as recombination-dependent DNA replication. Combination of 41rrh1 with some uvsX alleles is lethal. Based on these results, we propose that gene 41 contributes to DNA recombination through its role in DNA replication.

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