
DNA gyrase catalyses DNA supercoiling by making a transient double-stranded DNA break within its 120-150 bp binding site on DNA. Addition of the inhibitor oxolinic acid to the reaction followed by detergent traps a covalent enzyme-DNA intermediate inducing sequence-specific DNA cleavage and revealing potential sites of gyrase action on DNA. We have used site-directed mutagenesis to examine the interaction of Escherichia coli gyrase with its major cleavage site in plasmid pBR322. Point mutations have been identified within a short region encompassing the site of DNA scission that reduce or abolish gyrase cleavage in vitro. Mapping of gyrase cleavage sites in vivo reveals that the pBR322 site has the same structure as seen in vitro and is similarly sensitive to specific point changes. The mutagenesis results demonstrate conclusively that a major determinant for gyrase cleavage resides at the break site itself and agree broadly with consensus sequence studies. The gyrase cleavage sequence alone is not a good substrate, however, and requires one or other arm of flanking DNA for efficient DNA breakage. These results are discussed in relation to the mechanism and structure of the gyrase complex.

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