
Solid-supported lipid bilayers are useful model systems for mimicking cellular membranes; however, the interaction of the bilayer with the surface can disrupt the function of integral membrane proteins. As a result, many groups have introduced tethered lipid bilayers, which retain the proximity to the surface, enabling surface-sensitive techniques, but physically distance the bilayer from the surface. We have recently developed a method for spatially separating a lipid bilayer from a solid support using DNA lipids (Chung and Boxer et al., J. Struct. Biol., 2009). In this system, a DNA strand is covalently attached to a silane-modified glass slide or SiO2 wafer. The complementary DNA strand conjugated to a lipid moiety is inserted into giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), and the DNA-modified GUVs hybridize to the strands on the surface, inducing flattening and rupture of the GUV to a planar tethered lipid bilayer. However, the location of the patch is random, determined by where the DNA-GUV initially binds with its complement. To allow greater versatility and control, we sought a way to pattern tethered membrane patches. We present a method for creating spatially distinct tethered membrane patches on a glass slide using microarray printing. Surface-reactive DNA sequences are spotted onto the slide, incubated to covalently link the DNA to the surface, and DNA-GUVs patches are formed selectively on the printed DNA. Different DNA sequences can be printed on the same slide, creating a unique handle on each GUV patch. This handle enables the creation of patches of different lipid compositions, dyes, and/or DNA-lipid sequences in adjacent but distinct areas, and the control over the placement of the tethered lipid bilayer potentially allows interfacing with devices. This approach would also enable rapid screening of different patches in protein binding assays and as targets for membrane fusion.

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