
Rapid biodiversity loss sets new requirements for taxonomic research, prompting updating some long-established practices to maximize timely documentation of species before they have gone extinct. One of the crucial procedures associated with the description of new taxa in Linnean taxonomy is assigning them a diagnosis, which is an account of the specific features of the taxon, differentiating it from already described species. Traditionally, diagnostic characters have been morphological, but especially in the case of morphologically cryptic species, molecular diagnoses become increasingly important. In this chapter, we provide detailed protocols for molecular taxon diagnosis with the bioinformatic tool MolD which is available as open-source Python code, command-line driven binary, GUI-driven executable for Windows and Mac, and Galaxy implementation. MolD identifies diagnostic combinations of nucleotides (DNCs) in addition to single (pure) diagnostic sites, enabling users to base DNA diagnoses on a minimal number of diagnostic sites necessary for reliable differentiation of taxa.

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