
A 55-year-old male nurse was accused of having introduced his fingers by force into the anus of a 20-year-old female patient. Debris from the fingernails of the suspect recovered 2 days after the incident was analysed with the VNTR locus D1S80, the triplex PCR system AmpFlSTR Blue kit, the AmpFlSTR Profiler kit and the pentaplex system genRES MPX. The D1S80 singleplex reaction revealed indications of DNA from the victim in the fingernail debris of the left hand. Using the AmpFlSTR Blue kit and AmpFlSTR Profiler, DNA alleles of the victim were found at four additional loci, while allelic drop-out was observed at five other loci. Only the pentaplex kit genRES MPX revealed alleles at all loci which could be assigned to the victim. Calculation of likelihood ratios resulted in a value of 1.4 x 10(5) using the combination of the multiplex systems AmpF1STR Blue kit and AmpFlSTR Profiler and 2.8 x 10(8) for the genRES MPX kit. This case demonstrates the high sensitivity of the new genRES MPX kit and that DNA profiling of fingernail debris is possible despite a time lapse of 2 days between the incident and recovery of the evidential material.

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