
Brotherly or sisterly love shall be seen all over the scriptures, majorly with disagreements. It is through such tensions many Biblical events were unveiled, both in the Old Testament and the New Testament. The study adopted descriptive analyses method. The main sources of research materials are in relevant written materials to the study of religion. This focused on the evaluation of mission of God which commenced with humanities and the same influenced brotherly and sisterly love, which Apostle Paul encouraged its continuity. Though look like the divine choice is to favour one sibling and forgetting the other, it aims at harmony between the brothers and sisters and the inclusion of all. Missio Dei understanding of the happenings leads the seeker to a whole new understanding of the brotherly/sisterly love concept in the New Testament, having initiated and practiced by Jesus Christ and His disciples. Disagreements diminishes as the divine will of Christ-like brotherly love gets established among the siblings. Like the brothers or the members of a same family was selected for the Missio Dei, God in the present times chooses His people to do His will and to achieve the Mission of God. Thus in the choice of God (divine choice) people are called both to obey the will of God and to show brotherly love, thereby partaking in the Missio Dei.

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