
Tokamak divertor design for next-step fusion reactors heavily relies on numerical simulations of the plasma edge. Currently, the design process is mainly done in a forward approach, where the designer is strongly guided by his experience and physical intuition in proposing divertor shapes, which are then thoroughly assessed by numerical computations. On the other hand, automated design methods based on optimization have proven very successful in the related field of aerodynamic design. By recasting design objectives and constraints into the framework of a mathematical optimization problem, efficient forward-adjoint based algorithms can be used to automatically compute the divertor shape which performs the best with respect to the selected edge plasma model and design criteria. In the past years, we have extended these methods to automated divertor target shape design, using somewhat simplified edge plasma models and geometries. In this paper, we build on and extend previous work to apply these shape optimization methods for the first time in more realistic, single null edge plasma and divertor geometry, as commonly used in current divertor design studies. In a case study with JET-like parameters, we show that the so-called one-shot method is very effective is solving divertor target design problems. Furthermore, by detailed shape sensitivity analysis we demonstrate that the development of the method already at the present state provides physically plausible trends, allowing to achieve a divertor design with an almost perfectly uniform power load for our particular choice of edge plasma model and design criteria.

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