
This paper presents heat flux simulations for the ELMy H-mode on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) using a six-field two-fluid model in BOUT++. Three EAST ELMy H-mode discharges with different plasma currents Ip and geometries are studied. The trend of the scrape-off layer width with Ip is reproduced by the simulation. The simulated width is only half of that derived from the EAST scaling law, but agrees well with the international multi-machine scaling law. Note that there is no radio-frequency (RF) heating scheme in the simulations, and RF heating can change the boundary topology and increase the flux expansion. Anomalous electron transport is found to contribute to the divertor heat fluxes. A coherent mode is found in the edge region in simulations. The frequency and poloidal wave number are in the range of the edge coherent mode in EAST. The magnetic fluctuations of the mode are smaller than the electric field fluctuations. Statistical analysis of the type of turbulence shows that the turbulence transport type (blobby or turbulent) does not influence the heat flux width scaling. The two-point model differs from the simulation results but the drift-based model shows good agreement with simulations.

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