
Diverticular disease is a common surgical condition, especially in the Western world. Its existence is well known in Asian countries as well; however, its impact on Asian health care is not the same as that in Western countries. Diverticular disease has a variable presentation, and its implications can be challenging to manage both for the patient and the medical professionals. Diet and lifestyle are commonly associated with its etiology. In Western countries, much attention is given to diverticular disease, and with the acceptance of colonoscopy as a surveillance investigation, a greater number of people are diagnosed with diverticular disease at an early stage and overall. In acute presentations, a CT scan of the abdomen remains the investigation of choice. The most common presentation of diverticular disease is pain in the abdomen or a change in bowel habits. In most cases, diverticular disease is treated with medical intervention; however, in cases associated with severe complications or advanced stages, surgical modality remains the primary treatment.

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