
BNI Urban Forest Banda Aceh has a land area of 7.15 ha in Tibang Village, Syiah Kuala District, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. It has various tree species to showcase the charm of the local environment, not to mention various types of butterflies and birds, which transit, nidify, or find foods. Data collection was accomplished by exploring the forest area as the research location and identifying the species and number of trees by census. In details, we listed the all tree species one by one. The data observed, which were in the form coordinates, were retrieved through the use of GPS by labelling their local and Latin names, circumferences, diameters, and heights. Sixteen tree species in the forest with a total of 318 trees were identified. Cemara laut (Casuarina equisetifolia) was the most commonly found tree species with 163 in total.

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