
Changes in composition and structure of alpine and subalpine plant communities in relation to ecological factors were analysed in the Nizke Tatry Mts, Slovakia. Species cover values of vascular and non-vascular plants in each vegetation plot were recorded on the nine-degree scale. A data set of 156 releves of alpine and subalpine vegetation was sampled recently during one year in the eastern part of the Nizke Tatry National Park. The data set was analysed by cluster analysis and Detrended Correspondence Analysis. analyses were carried out on the entire data set, including the subset of short grassland and dwarf-shrub vegetation. Major gradients and clusters were ecologically interpreted using Ellenberg indicator values. In the entire data set, the major gradient in species composition was associated with nutrient availability and the second most important gradient with light. In the case of short grassland and dwarf-shrub vegetation, the gradients were different. The first one was associated with soil reaction and the second gradient was associated with moisture. Clusters proposed by numerical classification reproduced many traditional phytosociological associations, namely Seslerietum distichae, Sphagno capillifolii-Empetretum nigri, Junco trifidi-Callunetum vulgaris, Juncetum trifidi, Dryopterido dilatatae-Pinetum mugo, Luzuletum obscurae, Agrostio pyrenaiceae-Nardetum strictae, while some other associations were less clearly differentiated (communities of the alliances Calamagrostion villosae, Adenostylion alliariae, Trisetion fusci, Cratoneuro filicini-Calthion laetae or Salicion herbaceae). The next clusters included Vaccinium and Festuca supina dominated communities and artificial roadside grasslands sown 50 years ago. Bryophytes and lichens were highly represented among diagnostic species of particular associations. Distribution pattern of particular plant communities was strongly influenced by site position either on northern or southern slope of the mountains.

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