
The first-ever compilation of a checklist for powdery mildew fungi within the protected areas of Uzbekistan’s Jizzakh region, specifically Nuratau Nature Reserve, Zaamin National Nature Park, and Zaamin Nature Reserve is presented through this study. Field research spanning from 2009 to 2022 facilitated this comprehensive endeavor. A comprehensive identification process revealed a total of nine groups, consisting of 57 distinct types, 69 variations, and four different strains of powdery mildew. Two species, namely Erysiphe platani and E. syringae, were newly identified within the mycobiota of the country. Additionally, the plant index of Uzbekistan documented 11 powdery mildew species and ten variations on 18 previously unrecorded host plant species. Most species of powdery mildew fungi belong to the genera Erysiphe and Leveillula. The annotated checklist includes data on the host plant, location, date and collection number of every species.

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