
Bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) are commonly recognised as important agents of tree mortality in coniferous forests of the Western Carpathians. They, together with weevils, are consistently associated with ophiostomatoid fungi. Information regarding conifer beetle-associated fungi in the Western Carpathians remains incomplete and unreliable, particularly with respect to fir-infesting bark beetles. This study aims to clarify associations between fungi in the genera Graphilbum, Leptographium, Ophiostoma and Sporothrix (Ophiostomatales) and their beetle vectors in Norway spruce (Picea abies), European larch (Larix decidua) and silver fir (Abies alba). Samples associated with 20 bark beetle species and weevils were collected from nine stands in Poland and the Czech Republic. Fungi were isolated from adult beetles and galleries. Isolates were identified based on morphology, DNA sequence comparisons for four gene regions (ITS, LSU, ß-tubulin, TEF 1-α) and phylogenetic analyses. In total, 46 distinct taxa were identified, including 25 known and 21 currently unknown species. Several associations between fungi and subcortical insects were recorded for the first time. In addition, O. borealis and O. quercus were detected from A. alba for the first time. The composition of the fungal communities varied among the studied tree species and to a lesser degree among the beetle species. The spruce-infesting bark beetles were commonly associated with species of Leptographium s. l. and Ophiostoma s. str.; the larch-infesting bark beetles were often associated with Ophiostoma s. str. and Sporothrix, while the fir-infesting bark beetles were commonly associated with Ophiostoma s. str. and Graphilbum. The most commonly encountered fungal associates of the examined insects were (a) Grosmannia cucullata, G. piceiperda, Grosmannia sp. 1, Ophiostoma macroclavatum and O. piceae with the spruce-infesting bark beetles; (b) O. pseudocatenulatum and Sporothrix sp. 1 with the larch-infesting bark beetles; and (c) O. piceae, Ophiostoma sp. 2 and Graphilbum sp. 2 with the fir-infesting bark beetles. The differences in fungal associates among the bark beetle species occurring on P. abies, L. decidua and A. alba could be linked to the different habitats that these beetles occupy.

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