
The goal. To show the variety of manifestations of non-palpablebreast cancer, which create difficulties in diagnostics and thechoice of treatment tactics, to focus on the need to accelerate theintroduction of the latest organ-saving treatment and diagnostictechnologies and prevention into the system of mammary cancerscreening. The main provisions. The epidemiology of cancer, riskfactors, positive trends in mammary cancer screening in Russia arepresented. A description is given of the diversity of X-ray sonographic and molecular biological manifestations of non-palpable breastcancer based on the results of the analysis of a complex clinicalX-ray sonographic pathomorphological and molecular geneticexamination of 1,212 patients with clinically latent breast diseases,including 708 patients with non-palpable cancer of various molecular subtypes, manifested by a variety of options – a nodulargrowth (40.1%), an accumulation of microcalcifications (17.5%), asite of local heavy rearrangement of the structure (31.2%), canceraccompanied by pathological secretion (6.6%), X-ray negativecancer (4.6%). When distributed by stages, 70.3% had T1N0M0, 25%had TisN0M0 and microinvasive cancer. For differential diagnosis,high-tech radiological techniques were used – 3D X-ray and ultrasound tomosynthesis. Effective preoperative diagnostics allowed foradequate organ-saving treatment, including oncoplastic surgery,high-power radiation therapy and modern targeted drug treatment,timely rehabilitation and prevention. Conclusion. Non-palpablebreast cancer has many faces. Knowledge of the variants of itsmanifestations and the use of modern diagnostic methods arenecessary for mammary cancer screening, which creates thepreconditions for adequate timely organ-saving treatment thatpreserves the life of patients and its quality.

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