
The study was aimed at building knowledge base for addressing learners’ special learning needs and for promoting inclusive education. The purpose of the study was to provide a rich description of public secondary schools’ teachers’ perspectives on their learners and on inclusive education. The study adopted quantitative design to investigate teachers’ awareness and knowledge of diversity of learners in their classrooms, including the teachers’ understanding of their learners’ special learning needs as well as the teachers’ perspectives on their experiences with implementation of inclusive education The population for the study comprised all teachers in public secondary schools in Kwara State, Nigeria, and by convenient sampling method drew a sample of one hundred and forty-five teachers. The instrument for data gathering was a questionnaire which contained descriptive statements responded to by respondents who indicated their degrees of agreement on a four-point; liker-type scale. Data collected were analysed and with the use of the descriptive statistics of percentage frequencies and mean response scores to answer the research questions and to arrive at the achievement of the study objectives. The results revealed that teachers involved in the study were generally aware of learners’ diversity in their classrooms. To strengthen this awareness, the teachers also indicated their knowledge regarding the manifestations of the diversity in terms of the learners’ ability and activity levels as well as behavioural tendencies. Teacher-respondents reported some learners as gifted and talented, some as more active than others, some aggressive or withdrawn in behaviors, some with speech and language difficulties as well as auditory, visual and orthopaedic impairments, while some are with other disabilities. The results of the study have implications for pre-service and in-service training of teachers as well as better structuring of schools’ physical infrastructure in order to promote better access, participation and belongingness for pupils with disabilities.

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