
The herbaceous flora of lower stretch of Baharathapuzha riparian forests has analyzed taxonomically and phytosociologically. There are 176 angiosperms belongs to 63 families and 4 Pteridophyte in 2 families and 1 Gymgosperm in family Cycadaceae. The herbaceous flora composed of 73 species in 29 families. The family Poaceae (14 species) is dominant in the stretch and followed by Asteraceae (11 species). The most frequent herbs are Desmodium triflorum, Emilia sonchifolia, Dactyloctenium aegyptium and Kyllinga brevifolia . Density of herbs indicated that Dactyloctenium aegyptium has the highest, followed by Emilia sonchifolia and Brachiaria ramose . The highest abundance value has Brachiaria ramosa followed by Lindernia serrata Emilia sonchifolia and Biophytum sensitivum . The shannonn H'=1.559562 the riparian stretches uniform diversity. The Shannon Weiner diversity index H'=1.559562 which indicates uniform diversity.

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