
Conservation strategies increasingly refer to indicators derived from large biological data. However, such data are often unique with respect to scale and species groups considered. To compare richness patterns emerging from different inventories, we analysed forest species richness at both the landscape and the community scales in Switzerland. Numbers of forest species were displayed using nationwide distributional species data and referring to three different definitions of forest species. The best regression models on a level of four predictor variables ranged between adj. R 2 = 0.50 and 0.66 and revealed environmental heterogeneity/energy, substrate (rocky outcrops) and precipitation as best explanatory variables of forest species richness at the landscape scale. A systematic sample of community data (n = 729; 30 m2, 200 m2, 500 m2) was examined with respect to nationwide community diversity and plot species richness. More than 50% of all plots were assigned to beech forests (Eu-Fagion, Cephalanthero-Fagion, Luzulo-Fagion and Abieti-Fagion), 14% to Norway spruce forests (Vaccinio-Piceion) and 13% to silver fir forests (Piceo-Abietion). Explanatory variables were derived from averaged indicator values per plot, and from biophysical and disturbance factors. The best models for plot species richness using four predictor variables ranged between adj. R 2 = 0.31 and 0.34. Light (averaged L-indicator, tree canopy) and substrate (averaged R-indicator and pH) had the highest explanatory power at all community scales. By contrast, the influence of disturbance variables was very small, as only a small portion of plots were affected by this factor. The effects of disturbances caused by extreme events or by management would reduce the tree canopies and lead to an increase in plant species richness at the community scale. Nevertheless, such community scale processes will not change the species richness at the landscape scale. Instead, the variety of different results derived from different biological data confirms the diversity of aspects to consider. Therefore, conservation strategies should refer to value systems.

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