
Diversity of Dry Grasslands in the Považský Inovec MTS (slovakia) - A Numerical AnalysisThe paper reveals a numerical and ecological analysis of 128 published relevés of xerothermic vegetation of the Považský Inovec Mts. Four associations have been recognised:Festuco valesiacae-Stipetum capillataeSillinger 1930,Festuco pallentis-Caricetum humilisSillinger 1930 corr. Gutermann et Mucina 1993,Poo badensis-Festucetum pallentisKlika 1931 corr. Zólyomi 1966 nom. invers. propos. andMinuartio setaceae-Seslerietum coeruleaeKlika 1931 nom. mut. propos. Through the numerical methods, the study reconsiders the conception of the dry grassland associations, which are traditionally used in phytocoenological literature. It also defines the indication taxa group of the associations and characterises their environmental conditions. Major environmental gradients influencing the vegetation were interpreted using average Ellenberg indication values. Finally, the classification within the higher vegetation units, the nomenclature of the associations and the environmental threats are discussed.

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