
Bryophilous fungi associated with two bryophyte species in the region of delta in Tamil Nadu that is, the mosses of Polytrichum commune and Bryum capillare (Ptychostomum capillare) mosses were studied during the winter season. These bryophytes were Desiccation-Tolerance Bryophytes plant (DTB), the ability to lose virtually all free intracellular water and then recover normal function upon rehydration is one of the most remarkable features of bryophytes. Our aims were to identify bryophilous fungi/ endophytic fungi using morphological taxonomy, to explore richness and estimate species frequency in two bryophytes, Polytrichum and Bryum in delta region of Tamil Nadu. We collected two bryophyte samples at old building wall, bricks localities on delta region. We thus identified 32 endophytic fungi species were isolated from these bryophyte plants tissues. In total, 32 endophytic fungal strains belonging to Ascomycetes (04), Coeleomycetes (02), Hyphomycetes (20), sterile forms (02), Yeast like strains (02) and Zygomycetes (02) taxa were obtained. Thus species RPO and diversity index suggest that our study still underestimate endophytes diversity because it does not provide complete samples. These results recommend the presence of a diverse range of fungal species even in a very limited area, and those bryophytes fungal diversity in this Desiccation-Tolerance environment. To our knowledge, this is the first report of endophytic fungi from DT Bryophytes in tropical region.

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