
Microbial rhodopsins are widely distributed in aquatic environments and may significantly contribute to phototrophy and energy budgets in global oceans. However, the study of freshwater rhodopsins has been largely limited. Here, we explored the diversity, ecological distribution, and expression of opsin genes that encode the apoproteins of type I rhodopsins in humic and clearwater lakes with contrasting physicochemical and optical characteristics. Using metagenomes and metagenome-assembled genomes, we recovered opsin genes from a wide range of taxa, mostly predicted to encode green light-absorbing proton pumps. Viral opsin and novel bacterial opsin clades were recovered. Opsin genes occurred more frequently in taxa from clearwater than from humic water, and opsins in some taxa have nontypical ion-pumping motifs that might be associated with physicochemical conditions of these two freshwater types. Analyses of the surface layer of 33 freshwater systems revealed an inverse correlation between opsin gene abundance and lake dissolved organic carbon (DOC). In humic water with high terrestrial DOC and light-absorbing humic substances, opsin gene abundance was low and dramatically declined within the first few meters, whereas the abundance remained relatively high along the bulk water column in clearwater lakes with low DOC, suggesting opsin gene distribution is influenced by lake optical properties and DOC. Gene expression analysis confirmed the significance of rhodopsin-based phototrophy in clearwater lakes and revealed different diel expressional patterns among major phyla. Overall, our analyses revealed freshwater opsin diversity, distribution and expression patterns, and suggested the significance of rhodopsin-based phototrophy in freshwater energy budgets, especially in clearwater lakes.

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