
Birds are fauna that are widely spread from the coast and the sea to the tops of mountains. Spatial use of birds is related to habitat use in accordance with the preferences of each species. Ujung Pangkah is one of the coastal areas in Gresik Regency, East Java and is the estuary of the Bengawan Solo River. This region has extensive mangrove and mudflat habitats. In addition, this region also consists of islands which are formed from sediments of mud which become arising land. Space utilization of birds is closely related to the type of feed, the level of disturbance, and other activities. Ujung Pangkah also serves as a transit area for migratory birds, especially coastal and marine birds. In this study, spatial utilization patterns are needed to map the areas used by birds in their activities. The purpose of this study is to identify and calculate the value of bird diversity and mapping the pattern of spatial use along with the habitat types used. The study was conducted in October - November 2016 in three zones, namely the northern zone, eastern zone and western zone. The investigation was carried out with exploration methods at each observation point. The results showed the diversity of birds in the Ujung Pangkah area consisted of 59 species from 27 families. The species of Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) is a bird that uses the most extensive space and found in all study area. Habitat used is quite diverse that is mudflat, mangroves, ponds and residential areas.

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