
Pathogens of medical or veterinary significance that are transmitted by mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) are (re-)emerging in Europe [e.g. West Nile virus (WNV), Dirofilaria nematodes]. Little is known about the spatiotemporal abundances of mosquito species in Switzerland. Therefore, mosquito population dynamics were investigated, focusing on areas of risk for sylvatic or synanthropic transmission, such as natural sites and suburban sites on either side of the Alpine crest. Repeated collections were made using Centers for Disease Control (CDC) traps, juvenile sampling and ovitrapping. A total of 122 831 mosquito specimens of 21 taxa were identified. Levels of mosquito species richness were similar at suburban sites and in natural zones in Switzerland. Mosquito abundances and seasonality were analysed with generalized linear mixed models based on 382 CDC trap samples (29 454 females) and revealed Aedes annulipes/cantans, Aedes geniculatus, Aedes japonicus, Aedes sticticus, Aedes vexans, Coquillettidia richiardii and Culex pipiens/torrentium as the dominant species overall. Abundances of these species were season-dependent in most cases. There was an effect of site with regard to abundance (higher in natural zones), but not with respect to seasonality. Together with data on vector competence and the host preferences of different species, the present data contribute to assessments of risk for pathogen transmission. For example, both natural and suburban environments seem feasible as sites for amplification cycles of WNV and transmission to mammals.

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