
Almost three decades ago, the Morris Worm infected thousands of UNIX workstations by, among other things, exploiting a buffer-overflow error in the fingerd daemon [Spafford 1989]. Buffer overflows are just one example of a larger class of memory (corruption) errors [Szekeres et al. 2013, van der Veen et al. 2012]. The root of the issue is that systems programming languages---C and its derivatives---expect programmers to access memory correctly and eschew runtime safety checks to maximize performance. There are three possible ways to address the security issues associated with memory corruption. One is to migrate away from these legacy languages that were designed four decades ago, long before computers were networked and thus exposed to remote adversaries. Another is to retrofit the legacy code with runtime safety checks. This is a great option whenever the, often substantial, cost of runtime checking is acceptable. In cases where legacy code must run at approximately the same speed, however, we must fall back to targeted mitigations, which, unlike the other remedies, do not prevent memory corruption. Instead, mitigations make it harder, i.e., more labor intensive, to turn errors into exploits. Since stack-based buffer overwrites were the basis of the first exploits, the first mitigations were focused on preventing the corresponding stack smashing exploits [Levy 1996]. The first mitigations worked by placing a canary, i.e., a random value checked before function returns, between the return address and any buffers that could overflow [Cowan et al. 1998]. Another countermeasure that is now ubiquitous makes the stack non-executable. Since then, numerous other countermeasures have appeared and the most efficient of those have made it into practice [Meer 2010]. While the common goal of countermeasures is to stop exploitation of memory corruption, their mechanisms differ widely. Generally speaking, countermeasures rely on randomization, enforcement, isolation, or a combination thereof. Address space layout randomization is the canonical example of a purely randomization-based technique. Control-Flow Integrity (CFI [Abadi et al. 2005a, Burow et al. 2016]) is a good example of an enforcement technique. Software-fault isolation, as the name implies, is a good example of an isolation scheme. Code- Pointer Integrity (CPI [Kuznetsov et al. 2014a]) is an isolation scheme focused on code pointers. While the rest of this chapter focuses on randomization-based mitigations, we stress that the best way to mitigate memory corruption vulnerabilities is to deploy multiple different mitigation techniques, as opposed to being overly reliant on any single defense.

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